Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

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vineri, mai 20

Did Philip Fart?

> ..and he probably does all the time.
> What the heck, he's almost ninety,
> and at that age you don't hold anything back even if you wanted to!
> The really important question:
> Did Philip Fart?
> What do you think?
> [cid:D7769278CA7E4ED18B57587A56FADF6B@david683ccb79c]
> The expressions are priceless!
> Look at the Queen's face!
> A fart is a pleasant thing,
> It gives the belly ease,
> It warms the bed in winter,
> And suffocates the fleas.
> A fart can be quiet,
> A fart can be loud,
> Some leave a powerful,
> Poisonous cloud
> A fart can be short,
> Or a fart can be long,
> Some farts have been known
> To sound like a song......
> A fart can create
> A most curious medley,
> A fart can be harmless,
> Or silent, and deadly.
> A fart might not smell,
> While others are vile,
> A fart may pass quickly,
> Or linger a while......
> A fart can occur
> in a number of places,
> And leave everyone there,
> With strange looks on their faces .
> From wide-open prairie,
> To small lifts,
> A fart will find all of
> Us sooner or later.
> But farts are all bad,
> Is simply not true-
> We must never forget.......
> Sweet old farts like you!
> Kinda brings a tear to your eye - right?

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