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Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

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marți, octombrie 30


8 yo kid Matteo Walch, from Innsbruck, took his first tour in the Großglockner mountains from the Austrian Alps with his parrents, 4 years ago. He was immediately fascinated by the local marmots community. 

 He came back every year, continuing the connection with the marmots clan, which he has developped in time a real friendship relation with. 

Known as very shy animals, the marmots accepted him as their friend, and became absolutely fearless in his presence. They are as interested in young Matteo, as he is
in them.
Michaela, Matteo's mother, thinks that the marmots are feeling the boy's sincerity and affection to them. 

"I can spend hours watching them...but what i love most is that i can play with!", says Matteo.
The photos are taken by Matteo's mother, which says that the marmots are so confident in Matteo's presence, that they don't react anymore to the noises produced by the photo cam.
 "Children has opened hearts & minds, and they find a natural way to connect with nature...i think everyone should learn a lesson from this beautiful story..."

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