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marți, martie 13

Arta în lemn

Artwork from Wood 
Incredible Wooden Chip Artwork by Sergey Bobkov
54-year-old Sergei Bobkov has patented a unique technique of creating amazing sculptures out of Siberian cedar wood-chips.
Story at end…..


 The Unique Wood-Chip Sculptures of Sergei Bobkov

By Spooky on May 28th, 2010 Category: ArtPics
53-year-old Sergei Bobkov has patented a unique technique of creating amazing sculptures out of Siberian cedar wood-chips.
"It's not very interesting to do what others can. To create something out of nothing in a completely new way is far more inspiring". This is how Sergei Bobkov explains the unique form of art that he created. He says many people compare his artworks to taxidermy, because they both look so much like the animals they replicate, but Sergei believes they are as different as light and darkness. Whereas taxidermy is all about death, his wood-chip art symbolizes life.
This resident of Kozhany , Russia , has developed his very own technique, that prevents wood-chips from falling apart in time. After creating about 100-150 chips, from 2- 3 inch long cedar stick, he puts them in water for several days. Then, making use of his surgical precision, he carves the chips into any shape he needs.
Sergey has been doing this for some time now, but he has only created 11 wood-chip sculptures. That's because just one of these incredible artworks takes around six months to complete, at a work rate of 10 to 12 hours a day, with no days off. Sergei Bobkov focuses on wildlife creatures, and he studies their anatomy for months, before starting work on a sculpture.
Even though he was offered $17,000 for his wood-chip eagle, Sergei's Bobkov declined, saying his art is not for sale.
Photo by Reuters via Daylife
Photo by Reuters via Daylife
Photo by Reuters via Daylife


Mihaela Ghiorghita
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