Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

Cine a putut, ştiut şi vrut a plecat.

Avem nevoie de ajutor!
Plătim la nivelul pieţei.
Preferăm vorbitori de Româna!


luni, aprilie 6

Karl Marx

"Owners of capital will stimulate working class to buy more and more
of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more
and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable.

The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks which will have to be
nationalized and State will have to take the road which will
eventually lead to communism."

Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867

Proprietarii capitalului vor stimula clasa muncitoare sa cumpere din
ce in ce mai multe bunuri scumpe, case, tehnologie, impingandu-i sa
faca credite cat mai mari, pana datoriile lor devin de neplatit.
Acestea vor duce la falimentul bancilor, ce vor fi nationalizate, iar
statul o va lua pe drumul care duce in final catre comunism.

Karl Marx in 1867

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

That supposed Marx quote is a hoax that has been repeatedly debunked. See:

The Atlantic

International Herald Tribune

Even the John Birch Society admits it is a fraud, and you don't get more right wing than that: