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sâmbătă, februarie 16

Nature's Little Miracles





These should brighten your day . . .


  Beautiful baby dolphin




   Baby penguin meeting a baby dolphin



  A firefighter giving a kitten oxygen



  Baby owl......



   An embarrassed walrus                               



   An otter showing you its baby


   A dog's seeing-eye dog....Wow! 


Lily is a Great Dane that has been blind since a bizarre medical condition required that she have both eyes removed. For the last 5 years, Madison, another Great Dane, has been her sight.


The two are, of course, inseparable.






"People will forget what you said; people will forget what you did.  But people will never forget how you made them feel."


I couldn't resist passing these on!






















A strong person knows how to keep their life in line. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I'm ok" with a smile. Send this to a strong person. I just did. Be honest and send this to anyone who made you smile this year.









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