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duminică, ianuarie 27

The New Crop of Walmart Shoppers......

Houston Texas

How about, "let's not and say we did"?

Uh, Houston , we have a problem…

Bride of Sta-Puff Man


The Safe Word Is…

Can you tie em' in a knot ?


I'm Happy To Be Here

Proud members of the Whore Corp

Should someone tell her? Naaah…

Seeing eye goat?



My Anaconda

Make Way For Ducklings 

Are You Ready For Some Football?

I'd Like To Buy A Vowel Please

Father Of The Month

Zooma Zoom Zoom Zoom In Ya Boom Boom

Ride The Train

Shart Week

That 'come hither' look....

Light It Up Baby

Lady Lumps

Love Is In The Air

The Beer Olympics

Dora Finds Her Boots

Droppin' Drawers 

We already figured that out.

Shock and awe, anyone?

Stomach suddenly turning ??...reach for Prevacid

Pimp Daddy guards his main ho...

Rock on, lil' Dude!

Clean-up on Isle 4 please…

How to age with class.

Butt… butt… oh, never mind!

Dang...... Barbie got old!

OK, so you were an underwear model, but that was 40 years ago!

Why sweat up your good t-shirt just for a Wal-Mart visit?

Took the words right outta my mouth!

Along For The Ride 

Scrunch It Up 

I Bet She Gives Great Helmet 

Too Sexy For My Shirt

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