Tema: Este Coanda cel mai mare roman al vremurilor?
folclorist din trei-iezi-cucuieti
O inventie trebuie sa fie insotita de un patent. Cauta la Coanda cit vrei si nu vei gasi asa ceva. El a lucrat la o fabrica care a facut un avion , care nu a zburat nici de pe etajera jos. Nu el l-a facut. El era SALARIAT acolo.
Probabil ca se confunda cu o DESCOPERIRE ceea ce e numit Efectul coanda.
Este vorba de prelingerea lichidului inca nears in motor si care apoi s-ar putea prelinge pe margine si ar lua foc.
Romanii si acum cred ca este o inventie si de asta zboara acum avioanele. La vitezele de acum nu mai are loc acest fenomen. Fortele de smulgere sint enorme comparativ cu atractia superficiala, aceiasi care tine o picatura de apa pe dosul unei frunze. ASA CEVA NU MAI EXISTA de pe vremea descoperirii fenomenului.. Sansa sa se agate o picatura este mai mica decit a unui fir de paraf sa stea pe o toba care cinta la nunta.
Kakaia cultura tehnica a celui ce nu stie ca intr-un avion sint sute de mii de inventii. Pot fi si 10 -20 inventii numai la minerul care deschide usa la aterizarile mai .... grabite.
Si ce probabil ca iar nu se stie, inventiile , in 99,999999999 % din cazuri nu-ti aduc nici bani si nici glorie.
Gloria cu Vuia,Coanda , Vlaicu ,au fost doar legende pot a se simti romanii bine. La fel si cum au fost razboaiele cu turcii : cite unu- doua pe semestru. Asa a fost Iftimie Croitorul (cel care a dat cu cangea, s-a omorit pt ca armatele sovietice sa mearga mai departe ), Vasile Roaita, Ecaterina Teodoroiu, penes Curcanu' , Mos Craciun, ursii pacalitzi de vulpe.
neamtu tiganu din nemtia
Re: folcloristule nu te apleca prea mult pe fereastra
Stii tu ceva da o cam ametesti si vrei sa-i iei ochii cititorului. Io l-am cunoscut pa Coanda personal, ne-a tinut chiar niste conferinte prin 70-71. In primu rind ca om era de o modestie si de un sarm fantastic. Chiar la virsta aia era plin de idei nastrusnice, de o mare diversitate, de la posta pneumatica pin la reciclarea gunoiului sau pin-la cisterne din beton. Nu pretindea ca le-ar fi inventat sau le-ar fi descoperit iel ci pur si simplu vorbea de aplicarea si combinarea lor.
Efectu Coanda nu este nici azi pe deplin explicat, sau modelat matematic, se pare ca e legat pe undeva de "atractia" moleculara, ceva de genu tensiunea de suprafata, care azi se studiaza f. intens mai ales cind e vorba de adezivi (apropo ti-ai pus intrebarea de ce lipesc lipiciurile?) in combinatie cu Bernouli. Se aplica insa chiar si la avioanele moderne subsonice, ex. C14, bingo... american.
Avionu cu "reactie" insa ie pur si simplu inventat de el, am mai vorbit despre asta, nu seamana cu motoru de azi, ie mai degraba o elice intubata, combinata cu un fel de postcombustie. Pt. vremea respectiva a fost o minune a tehnicii.
Cert ie ca Henri Coanda a fost cel mai mare inginer ROMAN. Pe plan international insa ....
Culegatorule de folclor,
Coanda si-a construit aeroplanul cu motor reactiv cu ajutorul lui Gustave Eiffel si al lui Paul Painleve, un savant al timpurilor de atunci. Ei l-au ajutat mai ales la obtinerea aprobarilor necesare construirii si mai ales a zborului in sine.
Pe aeroportul din Issy les Molineaux Coanda a efectuat primul zbor dar fiind complet depasit de manevre a dat cu aeroplanul in zidul aeroportului, avionul luand foc. Asta se intampla pe la 1910. Intre 1911-1914 Coanda a fost director tehnic la Uzinele de aviagtie din Bristol-Anglia. La vremea respectiva a pus la punct elice de mare performanta si a construit sistemul de mitraliere printre lapele elicei, tirul fiind sincronizat cu turatia elicei printr-un dispozitiv special in asa fel incat pilotul sa nu-si toace elicea cu propriile gloante.
Brevetul pentru efectul Coanda a fost obtinut abia in 1934 si s-a bazat in special pe observatiile din timpul zborului dezastruos din 1910.
Efectul Coanda se refera la devierea unui fluid care patrunde in alt fluid.
Lasand la o parte partea cu patriotismul si cu luarea la misto a unor personalitati tehnice romanesti trebuie totusi sa privim chiar cu mandrie la acei oameni care au avut o contributie destul de mare la dezvoltarea tehnicii.
Duopa cum vezi, ti-am dat indicatia existentei unui brevet. Ele sunt mai multe si daca ai avea rabdarea sa cauti vei gasi mai multe brevete ale lui Coanda.
Trebuie sa-ti mai dau niste nume ale unor inaintasi romani in ale tehnicii:
-Gogu Constantinescu, inventatorul sonicitatii dar si constructor de poduri. Unul din poduri, de dimensiuni mici, este in Parcul Carol spre iesirea dinspre strada Lânariei.
-Aurel Persu-constructorul primului automobil cu profil aerodinamic. Automobilul este expus la Muzeul tehnic Dimitrie Leonida din Parcul Carol.
La masina lui Persu exista, pare-se, dispozitivul lui Gogu Constantinescu care inlatura cutia de viteze si ambreiajul.
-Ing. Iustin Capra, contemporan de-al nostru care a brevetat cu patru ani inaintea americanilor sacul individul de zburat cu jet reactiv. Sacul a fost probat de parasutistul Nicolae Sebe dar acesta a gresit manevra la aterizare si si-a rupt picioarele. Tot Iustin Capra este autorul mai multor inventii in domeniul constructiilor de automobile, el fiind cooptat de Henri Coanda in cadrul colectivului de la INCREST cand acesta a revenit in tara.
Dupa cum vezi, istoria pastreaza multe nume, mai vechi sau mai noi ale unor minti stralucite ale tehnicii romanesti.
Ti-am scris toate acestea fiind de parere ca dincolo de negarea unor merite ale unor inventatori romani recursul la memoria documentelor poate fi benefic pentru tine.
Viziteaza te rog Muzeul tehnic Dimitrie Leonida din Parcul Carol. Vei gasi mai multe dispozitive in fata carora cred ca ai sa-ti schimbi nitel parerea, dar cauta te rog in mod special dispozitivul acela in mediu vidat care se invarte de cateva zeci de ani si care produce energie electrica.
S-auzim numai de bine !
Cu sprijinul inginerului Gustave Eiffel şi savantului Paul Painlevé, care l-au ajutat să obţină aprobările necesare, Henri Coandă a efectuat experimentele aerodinamice prealabile şi a construit în atelierul de carosaj al lui Joachim Caproni primul avion cu propulsie reactivă (avion cu reacţie, fără elice) pe care l-a prezentat la al doilea Salon internaţional aeronautic de la Paris (1910).
În timpul unei încercări de zbor pe aeroportul Issy-les-Moulineaux de lângă Paris, aparatul pilotat de Henri Coandă a scăpat de sub control din cauza lipsei lui de experienţă, s-a lovit de un zid de la marginea terenului de decolare şi a luat foc. Din fericire, el s-a ales doar cu spaima şi câteva contuzii pe faţă şi pe mâini. Pentru o perioadă Coandă a abandonat experimentele datorită lipsei de interes din partea publicului şi savanţilor vremii.
Efectul Coanda se refera la devierea, prin intermediul unui perete convex, a unui fluid care patrunde in alt fluid.
Între 1911-1914 Henri Coandă a lucrat ca director tehnic la Uzinele de aviaţie din Bristol, Anglia şi a construit avioane cu elice de mare performanţă, de concepţie proprie. În următorii ani se întoarce în Franţa, unde a construit un avion de recunoaştere (1916) foarte apreciat la epocă, prima sanie-automobil propulsată de un motor cu reacţie, primul tren aerodinamic din lume şi altele. În 1934 obţine un brevet de invenţie francez pentru Procedeu şi dispozitiv pentru devierea unui curent de fluid ce pătrunde într-un alt fluid, care se referă la fenomenul numit astăzi efect Coandă, constând în devierea unui jet de fluid care curge de-a lungul unui perete convex, fenomen observat prima oară
neamtu tiganu din nemtia
Re: alwita .. corecturi..
construit sistemul de mitraliere printre lapele
> elicei, tirul fiind sincronizat cu turatia elicei printr-un
> dispozitiv special in asa fel incat pilotul sa nu-si toace elicea cu
> propriile gloante.
Aici cred ca te inseli aceasta inventie ie romanesca dar nu-i apartine lui Coanda
> Tot Iustin Capra este
> autorul mai multor inventii in domeniul constructiilor de automobile,
> el fiind cooptat de Henri Coanda in cadrul colectivului de la INCREST
> cand acesta a revenit in tara.
Iustin Capra era vazut pe vremea aia ca un aiurit. Facuse rucsacu zburator,
Am lucrat la INCREST 17 ani, la inceput s-a numit IMFCA (Inst. de maecanica fluidelor si constr aerosp.) si mai apoi Inst. national de creatie stiintifica si tehnica INCREST. Sedii in Baneasa, Militari la marginea Buc. si Magurele, Mineciu statie de incercare si in delta Dunarii. Azi se numeste INCAS Inst. de cercet. aerospatiale "Elie Carafoli". Apropos Elie Carafoli mi-a fost prof de aerodinamica.
Mos Grigore din Chicago
Henry Coanda (1886-1972)
"In October 1910 Grand Palais on Champs-Elysees in Paris was hosting the second International Aeronautical Exhibition. The most recent products of aviation were exposed. Many people were visiting the exhibition, some because of pure curiosity, attracted by the mirage of flight, others because they were particularly interested in some specific machines.
The most interesting machine, which attracted lots of people, and caused the visitors to gather in a crowd around it, was a red airplane which was missing the propeller; beside it, on a metallic shell, was written: COANDA-1910. This airplane caused the people to be so curious not only because it was missing the propeller, but also because of the fact that it was completely different from what people knew by that time an airplane looked like. It was a double-wing, one-seat plane equipped with a reactive engine. His main characteristics were:
span: 10.30 m
length: 12.50 m
lifting surface: 32.70 mxm
weight: 420 kg
propulsion force at sea level: 220 kgf
The news concerning the airplane's construction were mainly the following:
For the first time the main stubs of wings were made of steel instead of wood. The wings were for the first time equipped with mobile surfaces placed ahead of wing to increase lift (*these are mobile surfaces attached to the wing, which have the role to delay the separation of the boundary layer, thus increasing the critical flight incidence and the maximum lifting coefficient; in Romanian it is called volet - e.g volet Fowler, Taghi, Kruger etc.*).
The wings profile had a strong curvature; their shape was rectangular except for the fact that they were, of course, circular at the corners. The gasoline and lubricants were stored inside the upper wings (!) such as the drag was considerably reduced.
The two wings had different lengths and the superior (upper) wing was set ahead of the inferior one, which was shorter, such as the aerodynamic interference between these two surfaces were reduced. This construction, applied for the first time by Henri Coanda, was later called 'Sesquiplan'; it was re-invented 10 years later, being used for Fokker's, Brequet's, Potez's airplanes.
Paul Painleve - 1863-1933, Prof. at Sorbone, one of the pioneers of Flight Mechanics, who also flew with Wilbur Wright and Henri Farman even in 1908 - Sextrieux and Gustave Eiffel - 1832-1923, a pioneer of experimental aerodynamics, his first experiences being carried out from the tower which bears his name - were particularly interested in Coanda's machine. However they realized that the hour of the reactive airplane had not come yet (Eiffel: 'This boy should have been born 30 years later.').
The most interesting part of Coanda's plane was the propulsion system, a real revolution in the construction of airplanes engines, that would have to constitute the solution in the future.
The "air-reactive engine", invented and built for the first time by Henri Coanda, composed of a piston-engine with four cylinders, cooled with water; it developed 50 HP (Horse-Power) at 1000 rotations/minute. This piston-engine was connected to a rod which rotated the rotation multiplier; the movement was transmitted to the compressor which gained a rotation speed of 4000 rot./min..
In front of the compressor was placed the obturator - a device very similar to that of a photo-camera; this device could be controlled by the pilot such that the quantity of air that entered the compressor could be regulated. The air entered the burning rooms, (that had a ring-like section and were placed on both sides of the fuselage), from which, through some tubes, burned gases of the engine were evacuated and the propulsion force was generated.
The propulsion force at sea level obtained with this engine was 220 kgf, much larger than that obtained if the piston-engine would have been acted by a propeller.
Many visitors were suspicious about the possibility that this machine could take off since it was missing the propeller. They had never seen such a strange flying machine and never heard about an airplane without a propeller.
After the exhibition closed its doors, on December 16, 1910, Henri Coanda transported his airplane at Issy-les-Moulineaux. Here he only intended to verify the engine, not to fly. So Coanda got into his machine, and after several minutes of warming up, pushed the buttons that commanded the obturator and the rotation speed of the engine. The airplane began to move faster and faster, and flames and fume could be seen along the fuselage getting out from the engine.
After a very short time, before Coanda could realize what was going on, the airplane was in the air. Impressed by the flames and worried about the fact that he had never piloted an airplane by then (only planors), Coanda lost the control of his machine which began to loose speed and height. In a short time it stroke the ground and began to burn.
This first flight was described by Coanda in 1964 as follows: "The machine gained height much faster than I thought; it was not my fault, but after a while it entered a glissade, stroke the ground and burned completely. I was very lucky I was not tied on the chair, such that I was pushed out when the airplane stroke the ground; otherwise I would have burned with it."
This attempt constitutes the first flight of an airplane equiped with an air-reactive engine, the first reactive flight of an airplane in the world. But lacking the financial support Coanda could not improve his invention such that a second reactive airplane made by Coanda could not be seen flying again.
So 30 years before Heinkel, Campini and Whittle, Coanda built and flew the first reactive airplane.
Some important aviation magazines mentioned the event latter (...):
The 'American Aviation' magazine, in its issue on December 5, 1955, included an article called 'Who was the parent of reactive aviation?' (*This is my translation of the Romanian title, I do not know the original, but it should be something of the kind*) which shows Coanda's priority.
The 'Aviation Magazine' no. 160, 1955, included an article by Andre Bie called 'The first turbo-propelled airplane in the world, which describes Coanda's plane.
Green and Cross, in their book 'The Jet Aircraft of the World', London 1955, also mentioned 'Coanda-1910' airplane.
The magazine 'Flying' in September 1956, included the article 'He flew in 1910' by Rene Aubrey, which describes Coanda's airplane and his flight."
George (Gogu) Constantinescu (1881 - 1965) was a Romanian scientist, engineer and inventor - during his career he registered over 130 inventions.
He is the creator of the Theory of Sonics, a new branch of continuum mechanics, in which he described the transmission of mechanical energy through vibrations.
Among his inventions are a mechanical torque converter, a sonic engine and a sonic machine-gun synchronizer (aka interrupter gear) - which allowed airplane-mounted-guns to shoot between the spinning blades of the propeller). Constantinesco synchronization gear (or "CC" gear) was first used on the British Sopwith 1½ Strutter during World War I. It continued to be used by the Royal Air Force until the Second World War - the Gloster Gladiator being the last British fighter to be equipped with "CC" gear.