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miercuri, octombrie 30

Muntii CURCUBEU din China

 Rainbow Mountains located in China
There are some unbelievable natural formations located all around the
globe.  Due to distances involved, many of us never have the chance to
visit these sites.  The following photos display a mountain range called
"Rainbow Mountain" located in China. 
The mountains are part of the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological
Park in China. Layers of different colored
sandstone and minerals were pressed together over 24 million years and then
buckled up by tectonic plates.  I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I

rainbow mountains

  rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains (Preview)

 rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains

 rainbow mountains


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