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miercuri, iulie 31

Cele mai frumoase 15 străduţe din lume


Străduţele sunt de obicei mai micuţe, ascunse, dar fiecare are o frumuseţe aparte ce mângâie privirea trecătorului. cele pe care vi le prezentăm azi sunt de-a dreptul minunate...

Cele mai                                                           frumoase 15                                                           străduţe din                                                           lume (Galerie                                                           Foto)

1.  Antibes, Franţa
Centrul vechi al oraşului
2. Jerez, Spania
Jerez,                                                           Spania

3. Eguisheim, Franţa
Eguisheim,                                                           Franţa

Eguisheim,                                                           Franţa
4.  Alberobello, Italia
Alberobello,                                                           Italia

5. Cunda Island, Turcia
Cunda                                                           Island,                                                           Turcia
6.  Veneţia, Italia
Veneţia,                                                           Italia

7.  Giverny, Franţa
Giverny,                                                           Franţa

8. Lombard San Francisco , USA
Lombard                                                           San Francisco,                                                           USA
Lombard                                                           San Francisco,                                                           USA
9. Străduţa Cireşilor Înfloriţi din Bonn, Germania
Cireşilor                                                           Înfloriţi din                                                           Bonn,                                                           Germania

Cireşilor                                                           Înfloriţi din                                                           Bonn,                                                           Germania
10.Orvieto, Italia
Orvieto,                                                           Italia

11. Boston , USA
Acorn,                                                           Boston, USA

Acorn,                                                           Boston, USA
12.  Fiskargrand, Visby, Suedia
Fiskargrand,                                                           Visby, Suedia

Fiskargrand,                                                           Visby, Suedia
13. Frigiliana, Spania
Frigiliana,                                                           Spania

14. Cartagena, Columbia
Cartagena,                                                           Columbia

15. Rue Des Thermopyles, Paris, Franţa

Rue Des                                                           Thermopyles,                                                           Paris, Franţa



Fabulous Unique Pictures

Somewhere in Vietnam .. Canal River through a paddy field.

Beautiful New Zealand ...

Facing a Manta Ray through a Giant Aquarium.

Enchanted River is found in Philippines . It is called enchanted because no one has ever reached its bottom. Many people, including scuba divers, have tried reaching for the bottom but have failed, hence the legend of its bottomless pit. Moreover, locals share that NOBODY has been successful in catching the fish in this river, whether by hand or by spear. They say its bluish color is a result of its depth and the water clarity changes throughout the day. At around 12:00 pm, the water becomes clearer and even more majestic. 

Under the clear blue water of Lake Huron in Ontario.

3 D Street Art, Rennes, France.

Tree house, Philippines.

A stone path across a lake in Poland.

Ausangate mountain, Andes, Peru . Want to go on a trek?

The water spirals of Elakala Waterfalls ~ Blackwater Falls State Park, West Virginia.

Zhangjiaje Stone Forest in Hunan, China. It is the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie "Avatar."

Hong Kong.

Purple and Orange Starfish on the Beach.


Poland has a forest full of bent pine trees (Crooked Forest).

Christ the Redeemer Statue overlooking the whole of Rio was pretty special. You could see it from everywhere you went. I also have to say that the majority of the people who lived there, including the 'natives' (especially in the favelas) knew exactly who it was and respected it and what it stands for.

Every home should have this! - The staircase slider. 

The Astonishing Annual Red Crab Migration.
Each year millions of bright red land crabs leave their burrow homes on Australia 's Christmas Island and start a long, laborious trek toward the sea. They descend cliffs, climb banks and maneuver around obstacles to reach the shoreline and lay their eggs, eventually returning to the island's central plateau with their offspring in tow. The synchronized migration resembles a crimson-colored river undulating across the island and can last up to 18 days. The event typically takes place in November or December (the crabs will only move when it's raining) and coincides with the turning of high tide and the arrival of the waning moon.   

The Inhabited Volcanic Island of Aogashima, Japan.

Guelta d'Archei Oasis, Sahara Desert.

The Victoria water lily is native to the Amazon river.

Gudvangen, Norway.

The Tibetan Bridge in Claviere, Piedmont, Italy.

Awesome Lighted Cherry Blossom Lake (Sakura, Japan) - Beautiful.

Prskalo Waterfall, Serbia.

Perspective, The Redwoods, California (The Redwood Forest).

Zachariasbryggen - Bergen, Norway.

Cave Hotel in Cederberg Mountains, South Africa.

Vanishing Underwater Roller Coaster in Japan !!

Off the Amalfi Coast, Florence in  Italy.

A Bougainvilla Patio Garden.

Gorgeous reflection.

Voringfossen is the 83rd highest waterfall in Norway on the basis of total fall.

Preikestolen, Norway.

The Great Artificial Elephant, Nantes, France.

AND FINALLY - Creative bathroom design! - Do you want this comfort room???'